Kerri Layman, MD, RDMS

Dr. Layman is a current ultrasound team member. Dr. Layman is a life-long Hoya, having attended Georgetown for medical school, residency, and for her emergency ultrasound fellowship. She is the former Program Director for the Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship. Proudly, she currently serves as the Chief of Service for the Georgetown University Emergency Department. When not working, she loves to spend time with her beautiful daughter and husband.

Primary Position:

Chair, Emergency Medicine, MedStar Georgetown

Academic Position:

Associate Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine

Additional Positions:

Co-Chair, MEP Quality and Safety Committee, Clinical Practice Council
Co-Chair, MEP wide Peer review committee
Physician Director, MEP Recruitment

Additional Information

Director, MedStar Emergency Physicians Emergency Ultrasound Division
Emergency Medicine Attending Physician


Risk Reduction, Quality & Safety, Emergency Department and Hospital Throughput and Efficiency, Medico-Legal Topics, Point of Care Ultrasound